Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This is Christna Barrett from Voice for the Actor + Acting I...

Hi Ginny,

I made a group for your students.. you might look it up and be surprised to find what you find.. I didn't say anything bad about you, and I didn't suggest anything bad about you..

I was more concerned about being the best person I can, noticed you must have specialized in either talking or, like, talking therapy, like teaching, as a teen or even preteen..  I was curious why you wouldn't do singing because that would be a bridge from acting, I guess.  I just noticed that maybe you didn't play piano?  I mean, you could play piano and not practice at all.  You could not specialize in the piano, as your major instrument..  You know, I've seen singers commit suicide and, like, major in religion.. and more, apparently..  So, I sent you this e-mail because I was watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," as I try to, each day, have to figure out how to record it in my room.  I turned it off and somehow was sucked to my computer and learned German for Die Forelle.. The Trout quintet?  It's actually very long but has inserted in it 1 singer, usually a fat lady, at best.  I really thought I picked up on how to speak it right away.  I just forgot.  I forgot the Italian, too, but it stuck with me..  I don't remember what else I was gonna say.  I think I have a keen interest in talking, like you, kinda totaled it as an interest in the pure American English voice, as in plain, and the European ways of talking, the more white languages, like English, German, and collectively the Norse countries and France.  I started out in college as a Music Education major but was actually kicked out, like for being an enigma.  I was actually serious in the major, whereas others never are.  }:D  That's what you were supposed to do, like if you were an attractive person.  So, I was at 16 into synesthesia and now kinesthesia.  It was, like, my thing, but I guess it seemed too clinical.  I picked up on all sorts of little things in music theory, more than others since I was in piano and like choir maybe.  I did Talented Music and music school in New Orleans for a year in the summer and on the weekend, but it wasn't too hard that I remember, more technical and easy, though in that kids are not all that attentive.  I feel I learned from Tim Burton about tricks in the mind in performance, in things like this.  So, I look forward to your classes, next year, as well, trying to get in a trapeze camp over the summer.  I made it to open gymnastics..  They have a school in Miami, just no room and board, and the bulk of the rest of the schools are up to teenage years.

So, here's what I did in teaching diction on YouTube in a special song in music everyone knows..

I invited all the members of your class to socialize with me through this e-mail address (have a premium account and can get more e-mail addresses here.. +I ), IM, and the group.  So, maybe, I'll talk to you about it sometime at class or call you.  I guess you don't have any IM?  ...  I feel I'm taking money from you to talk to you about this, but I'll let you know I think I inserted some influence of like Swedish.  I thought maybe you could tell I was good at diction?  And expression in talking?  I know about the "pure" "Floridian" accent fantasy, and everyone says that's me, it seems.  You're Californian, so.  I had a friend from where you're from, San Fransisco or maybe the area, and there was a girl from L.A. in a class in Florida.  Maybe, since you have friends, you'd be interested to know I watched the diction YouTubes and found it a point to work on that they express feelings in Europe that we don't have in America, like a whole plethora of like nursery rhyme fantasy ideas behind a single idea that is not shared here.  Because my experience in a supposedly great institute for music I felt ignored that my diction was like endlessly perfect and intelligent at the university.. then was mysteriously kicked out after 1 year from the music program.  It was a big thing.  I had lots of big things going, but mainly it was my talent in music and the way I seemed to be able to sing like anyone and anything, except for those newage singers.  Also, at the time, singers were doing singing in conservatories and colleges|univeristies of music.. as the option against acting and Hollywood.. some, like this girl from somewhere in California, whose parents came, looked artistic, and I was surprised to hear she did art in high school.  Well, she had the prize vocal teacher, but mine was old and lived in Northwestern Florida.  I don't remember an experience where there was a teacher who taught something I was intersted in so much and didn't take it.  I really just wanted a teacher I liked and happened to look into the acting schools. 

Anyway...  ?:

So, with my voice, you probably already know, and I could post it on my blog, I like my nasal voice, the way it sounds honky, but it was very addictive, like a guy with an Adams apple or whatever it's called.  I like the way it gets tacky and loses you and like sorta transes you out into like thinking of something political.  However, I know that people involved in like music and maybe things like directing? dunno, anyway had this composition teacher for theory and her voice just like seemed to sorta spark a flame, resonate, a bit raspy, very thick, very nervouse, very alive, kinda like you, was into this retreat I think in Canada where you .. "just compose" for months I think.. She was probably 10-15 years older than me, born around 1970-1973.  Anyway, I think my voice may be like those celestial beings who sing newage songs of classical art songs, don't know if I have any good 1s.  Charlotte Church is pretty attractive and spot-on, as well.  My voice gives the message that I can sorta make myself a person but that still the world is yours, that's sorta my message in life, but people still won't leave me be to explore, like they're involved in some thing for no reason at all in Hell, really.  It's funny when you see how someone looks, like sorta neutral hair and maybe pronounced sorta boney expressive features.. sorta sucks in and has a mold of precision and decision..  I saw a picture of 2 rather younger artists, the little girl just looked very alive and very plain, you know?  It's hard for people to say, yes I chose not to do art for a long time and still I haven't come to appreciate it in a classical way.

About wanting to take some sort of training from you, I have to get the info. of the guy to contact again, lost it, I guess on Monday, and will contact you sometime, I guess.  I dunno, I might wait and take lessons later from you.  My goal is to do as much as I can on my own, 1st, really..  I wasn't sure if I was gonna be an artist, wanted to make it in Hollywood, old dreams, but probably am too overweight.  I really don't want to be too skinny, but I would like to have elasticity.

I'm not really sure what you're looking for, I mean I just don't feel I have to wait for destiny, but maybe you're that kind of person, waiting for something..

I'm sorry your groups aren't working out.  I mean, you can post on the message board, but I mean you probably wouldn't vote in the poll.  You can look and think about it, but I am sorry you also probably feel outfront want to just say your classes feel worthless.  Maybe, you should invite more gifted young adults who usually populate the musicals into your classes at Valencia, teach more of those "Topics.." classes.  I never really thought about those 2 ideas put together..  That way you'll get what's out there, people born I guess in like 1993, 1989.  I guess the people in their 1st year of high school have to make their way along in the community, eventually.  Maybe, they will come to your classes in the fall.  Too bad they don't have like a Mickey Mouse Club you can go to.  I don't know anyone at all it seems via the internet.  I wonder if you'll ever move to L.A. and be with all the famous people, too, but there's no Disney and no Florida there.  I think all the cool people live all over, like in Oregon, Kansas.  They come in all shapes and sizes..  If you are interested in Orlando, however, you might want to talk to people here, as well.  I've lived in the South my whole life but never in 1 city for longer than, like, 6 to a rounded out overall experience of over 8 years.  Then, I lived here, for an expanse of 7-8 years? mostly living it online.  So, I know moving is hard, but I honestly cannot imagine living in the same place for my whole life nor for like 30 years.  I pretty much forgot about the more rustic memories.  I felt them.

So, yea, I hope you get the point of my e-mail, that like I hope you like my YouTube of me teaching.  =}  Just like you!  ;}  I hope people online will find me....  I want to be famous for it!  *D;

Okay, so, e-mail me back and tell me what you think of my diction or what kinds of classes you can teach me and how much I have to pay you.  I guess you are busy now and might not get to me.  I might ask you about it in class because I mean I don't expect you to e-mail me privately.  You said you would counsel me.  I mean, I have a therapist, but I don't have any teacher-mentors, at present, but I have before.. I sought it out.  I was interested in certain things, not there to complain about the rules, at all!!!  I am sorta an alter-ego, but I'm not even who I seem, which maybe got me by sorta undercover with nothing to be embarrassed about.  I mean, you should always counsel those you instruct.  I mean, I've had experiences in community, a lot, as well, and met people who were willing to be more, like affectionate.  I always am flattered to meet someone from California.  I had a best friend from San Fransisco, but she was very open and not hard to be friendly with, at all, as long as you really did the right thing.  She didn't like suggest anything.  No one let her with me, neither.  She always turned around and accepted me.  She's worked at Disney, even seems as though she'd met you.  If you need help with like being from Pennsylvania, that is okay, too, since I've been up there and talked most closely I guess with a plethora of morality from that locale.  I, honestly, was not from Pennsylvania, though.  My mom is not from there, and I grew up thinking it's the mom that raises you, and like the prestige of your state, which can't disclude you from like humanity and life, is what your genetics from you dad are.  My problem was probably just that my dad wasn't as healthy and attractive as my mom and that maybe his being quiet would mean he's gay, but that's not supposed to mean I follow him like he's an elephant's tail.  His sisters and the girls in his family are all the opposite but very deep.  I dunno, maybe you can like counsel me about that!  That seems to be what drives me insane.  I know Helena Bonham Carter poses as though she's from California.  I mean, I grew up in the world.  My mom taught me about America.  You know, she'd always say, don't mimic me, her "ac-cent."  I knew she had an accent and I never spoke with 1.. intersting, huh?  She's about your age, had me on a rapport, must have expected a younger mom..  Funny, I'm still a kid at this age, though, hope I will grow up and not be, like, exterminated.

So, I hope my long e-mail didn't scare you as a Floridian and like citizen of the sorta flippant, unrelenting Orlando.  :p  Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher!  We should hug you every time we see you since we never do "anything" in Orlando!  ;D

~ L0VVY ~
X+!N@ @ J..NN.

P.S.  At least, I sent you an e-mail that was good, and you are hoping for a good e-mail from different people, so it's not like why didn't you like talk to me through e-mail before!  ;D

*:(game) play game

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