Tuesday, March 5, 2013
About the Class
So, people are really mean to the young lady from Russia. I know she is not German, but I mean Russia is a secondary major country. I can understand they be mean to me being from America, but I mean it's like they're just attacking right and left anyone with anything to offer..
Trapeze Camp
I found 1 in Miami, but I don't know how I will pay to live there. Dad and people keep saying to get a little apartment.. like the government might aid. Can you find out, like if I can get a loan? Or if there is a trapeze camp that pays for board for adults? Here is the only school I found so far, am still kinda tired, most schools are for kids and teens..
I'm in a lot of pain. I need to figure out how to record TV in my room on my sofa where I lie down facing the TV. I feel so immobile. 3I I will practice acting, too. The week has gone by so fast, and I'm doing gymnastics again on Saturday.
won't you get me the dresses for $50? That's not very expensive for a
dress. I'm using the money I get from SSI for food, and I only get $180
per month. How am I supposed to get clothes if you never get me
anything? What, you just don't want to get me pink boots? I already
told you I need you to save to get me these things. I already told you a
long time ago. I would have maybe changed how I used my money, if
possible, or you should have already known I'd spend maybe
$100 on clothes in 1 month..getting stuff online instead of a shirt at
the store since I want dresses. Why does Mom take my SSI money? I only
get $180.. if I spend it, then I won't have any at the end of the
month. I'm using it to make sure I have money for the food, and you can
use your money for the clothes. What, so then just get some of the
stuff I asked for. Get 1 dress at a time.
Pink Girl Child's Party Dress
Size 13|14 - $49.99
Pink Girl Child's Turtleneck
Size 14-16 XL - Color: Pink - $4.90
Pink Knee Socks
1 size fits all - $11.97
Pink Women's Leggings
Size M|L - $12
Pink Gloves
Pink Boots
Size 12 - $57
Without the boots, it's $81.81.
If you want, you can get cheaper boots:
Pink Girl Child's Party Dress
Size 13|14 - $49.99
Pink Girl Child's Turtleneck
Size 14-16 XL - Color: Pink - $4.90
Pink Knee Socks
1 size fits all - $11.97
Pink Women's Leggings
Size M|L - $12
Pink Gloves
Pink Boots
Size 12 - $57
Without the boots, it's $81.81.
If you want, you can get cheaper boots:
Pink Boots
Size 9 - $16.99
So, maybe, I can use some of my money, but Mom probably won't want to help. See what you can do, maybe buy the dress and accessories and I can get the boots or something, or I can get the dress and you can get everything else. Just pick how much you are willing to spend and I can buy the rest. Thanks.
Size 9 - $16.99
So, maybe, I can use some of my money, but Mom probably won't want to help. See what you can do, maybe buy the dress and accessories and I can get the boots or something, or I can get the dress and you can get everything else. Just pick how much you are willing to spend and I can buy the rest. Thanks.
I think I was sitting in Ginny's big lap. I forget the nostalgia, the "violence" or danger.
Later on, I was in this huge class, had been trying to sign up for ballet for a few times around. So, I was in this huge computer like sorta hall-feeling room, getting my stuff, passed this naughty girl who was rather stocky, fuzzy mousy light blonde hair. So, some reason, I was in a bus with Ellen DeGeneres, and I was supposed to film myself as though I had a headband on. I told her to do it, and she was stuck on the idea that I was supposed to do it kinda but I was so quick to flip the lid that that wasn't an issue that existed. It felt like I was really there. So, then, the popular girl in front was like acting like a lot of kids do and said can I sit on your lap or something ... don't remember what happened, but she was acting funny. I think like it was about people from California. So, then, like people were jumping off or stuff. I think when I did something she jumped off. I think I fell off, and someone would get me, but they knocked the old tall lady out and then it was like she liked me. Then, I was thinking about how Ellen DeGeneres said like she wasn't that big at, like, 11, and I sorta cowered up and said I was as big as I ever was just fatter now.. So, I was thinking about how she was so tall but why she filled out. I guess I had a little happy, thinking I was dead and walking over to her and she was supposed to pick me up because I was so much younger than her and a kid and like she was an age of my mom.. I woke up..
I also had a dream of Alice in Wonderland, that she wasn't short, in a big image. Ah, yes, and the mother was in the car and I had another situation before where they approved me.
Later on, I was in this huge class, had been trying to sign up for ballet for a few times around. So, I was in this huge computer like sorta hall-feeling room, getting my stuff, passed this naughty girl who was rather stocky, fuzzy mousy light blonde hair. So, some reason, I was in a bus with Ellen DeGeneres, and I was supposed to film myself as though I had a headband on. I told her to do it, and she was stuck on the idea that I was supposed to do it kinda but I was so quick to flip the lid that that wasn't an issue that existed. It felt like I was really there. So, then, the popular girl in front was like acting like a lot of kids do and said can I sit on your lap or something ... don't remember what happened, but she was acting funny. I think like it was about people from California. So, then, like people were jumping off or stuff. I think when I did something she jumped off. I think I fell off, and someone would get me, but they knocked the old tall lady out and then it was like she liked me. Then, I was thinking about how Ellen DeGeneres said like she wasn't that big at, like, 11, and I sorta cowered up and said I was as big as I ever was just fatter now.. So, I was thinking about how she was so tall but why she filled out. I guess I had a little happy, thinking I was dead and walking over to her and she was supposed to pick me up because I was so much younger than her and a kid and like she was an age of my mom.. I woke up..
I also had a dream of Alice in Wonderland, that she wasn't short, in a big image. Ah, yes, and the mother was in the car and I had another situation before where they approved me.
I guess it wouldn't let me make all the underlined parts red because it detected my message as spam or suspicious activity.
Disregard the past e-mail on the list of clothes and also don't get the Saint Patrick's Day stuff because I already got it. Please, I hope you can get this, instead.
I found 2 children's dresses I want plus the sidegarments to go with them.
I think this is all the clothes I want for the month, unless you want to also get me colored pants to go with my old new shirts. Like I said in a past e-mail, I really hope you can get this now. It's only 2 dresses for $50 each for this month + the sidegarments. I guess the shoes are a bit expensive, but they are nice boots. They don't sell that many pink boots.
Here it is, thanks:
Pink Girl Child's Party Dress 1
Size 13|14 - $49.99
Pink Girl Child's Party Dress 2
Size 13|14 - $49.99
Pink Girl Child's Turtleneck
Buy 2 of these - Size 14-16 XL - Color: Pink - $4.90
Pink Knee Socks
Buy 2 of these - 1 size fits all - $11.97
Pink Women's Leggings
Buy 2 of these - Size M|L - $12
Pink Gloves
Buy 2 of these - $2.95
Pink Boots
Size 12 - $57
I found 2 children's dresses I want plus the sidegarments to go with them.
I think this is all the clothes I want for the month, unless you want to also get me colored pants to go with my old new shirts. Like I said in a past e-mail, I really hope you can get this now. It's only 2 dresses for $50 each for this month + the sidegarments. I guess the shoes are a bit expensive, but they are nice boots. They don't sell that many pink boots.
Here it is, thanks:
Pink Girl Child's Party Dress 1
Size 13|14 - $49.99
Pink Girl Child's Party Dress 2
Size 13|14 - $49.99
Pink Girl Child's Turtleneck
Buy 2 of these - Size 14-16 XL - Color: Pink - $4.90
Pink Knee Socks
Buy 2 of these - 1 size fits all - $11.97
Pink Women's Leggings
Buy 2 of these - Size M|L - $12
Pink Gloves
Buy 2 of these - $2.95
Pink Boots
Size 12 - $57
$220.62I guess it wouldn't let me make all the underlined parts red because it detected my message as spam or suspicious activity.
Hello, people of Ginny's 3 classes at Valencia, each...
Hello, people of Ginny's 3 classes at Valencia, each a nice class, wish you guys would consider being in all of them, don't think anyone else is, but there is 1 girl who has taken classes from her for 3 semesters, in a row..
So, I made a group for us and created a poll and there will be a message up. Here is the poll: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/vccginny/surveys?id=2771310. Here is the message, for now, will be on the forum, later: http://cab1986orlfl20.blogspot.com/2013/03/y-group-post.html Yes, I am indeed interested in my best interests, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I have 2 of you on AIM, and I invited you on G! Talk and some of you are on Y!.. I made the group under Chat. Too bad we can't all get on a Chat group. You have to plan when you meet, and you're not always on..
So, I hope that we can communicate through e-mail. You are welcome to post on my blog, comment, or to post under my forum now.. :|
So, I'd prefer to talk on Y! Groups, but I guess for now I'll ask what you think of Ginny. I guess I should ask why you like her and if you chose the class because of her or if you took the class because of her. I took the class because of her but also probably am into performing more than you guys, but my life is real like any other person's, maybe not in a racially sensitive way... That shouldn't offend you, I don't mean I'm better than each of you individually.. I think we need to get in on the common interest of the mystery of Orlando and what Ginny knows. I've seen kids around, and a lot of them are nonchalant and don't deserve to ****. Ginny cares about them, but she also cares about me, as most people do, at least before Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came out, seriously. It's like, if you weren't perfect, there was a problem. I was kicked outta college. When I came here, what I worked on was that as an Orlando citizen it was all about people born here, later on about families with residence here longer ago I guess, and now it's about how people like Ginny, any successful person in the area basically..? in a way, would be considered off-limits to people here, too..though in other places it seems different. We have the internet, and we don't even know any reason why we exist, and we are here unraveling strange mysteries.. All I can say is I've moved a lot with a dad in business, and I'm from Florida, as any responsible, unsinful citizen. I don't mean other people are not worth it to me. I would have found out about Ginny. I'm not sure, though. Ginny is that kind of person. The only thing is, year, I'd be interested in others, but I mean, yea, Disney happens to be interesting.. The only other thing would be if I lived in L.A., I think, though, or about if there are cool teachers like her in NYC, which, they might be more urban and make me not feel in the moment..
That aside, rr..
1) What do you think of Ginny?..
2) Do you feel she really made Orlando seem acceptibly a mystery, like why are we here, the way we normally feel around people other than her? Who created said mysteries? I know I came here more into things like fitness, health but careful about my eating.. I was already someone into the locale of where I'm at. That was mainly what I did, that and go online. So, what do you think of how she is like thinking that life is all happy and Orlando is not a mystery, our misery? I mean, it's like we leave her class and we feel we're in an urban situation. We're not! I mean, I guess her class just isn't that, and that tells us no class "is.." I mean, what, go to another class?
- I just got upset about something, cooking hot dogs. See if I can think of anything else for Ginny.. She doesn't seem to think "anything" of me as far as working goes.. -
3) What do you think about her hopes for the future? She keeps claiming she cares about our generations, but in the end feels that she babies the comforts of those beings born later, and everyone just kills any hope in us because they are taking from the times, now, in retroguard to age of the father.. probably holding off a prejudice for those with mothers of Late Boom.. You have to work with what exists, I guess. I guess I would be happy to know I'd always be a baby to her, but life is indeed short and no one seems to care about preserving their youth enough. She still is that lady from the Baby Boom. I have no problems about my age because I like being younger than who I'm younger than.. Like being older than people, as well..
- I'm feeling psychiatrically disturbed by my dad thinking I did things wrong and not feeling it in him to fix my life nor have a healthy conversation with me, digging in too deep, not thinking about the world. -
- There are lots of questions, but I can't list them all.. will probably post more about her, later, if anyone talks to me|joins the group, hopefully..
4) Do you think Ginny should be involved in greater things and network more to other areas, invite people she knows to partake in what others in other areas partake? Why does she waste time on people in Orlando? Why not send out invites to meet her if she thinks she's so special, but she's not, in a sense.. Fact is, we don't even know why we exist, but we all strive to meet the goals of the hippie generation and "flower 'children.'" :| I do think we need to think about Orlando because we are here and because we do have a bond and some of us may share interests.. It is the 2nd most major place in Florida, condensed.. :| L.A. is the greatest. Florida might be next..
5) Have any issues to talk about with not being white or being Latin American, probably mixed with indian heritage? Don't you wish we got a cute Asian girl in our class or maybe a Eurasian girl from Europe? A lot of them look Asian, but I look least Asian. It's just I might have Native American, but I may never know unless we test my blood.. We never talked about race, and I'm 26. It's all about mixed people born in the 1980s. It seems the whole class is about being Spanish.. :/ Well, some of us are Native American..and not Spanish. :| ... I mean, I thought I understood the other races. I don't look like the stereotype of any given race.. :/ I am more interesting than Connie Francies and CĂ©line Dion ... and Justin Bieber. :/ ...
6) There aren't many black people ... wait, there are black girls in the classes.. very defiant, really.. You will find, though, that you are black. You are black because you are not European and because you didn't chose to submit to the white race like white people do.. You are like everyone else, not special because you're black. The truth is racist people have that molded, shallow look, that's who they did it young, and they weren't supposed to, really.
7) There aren't many nice people, they're all kinda dirty and like not that attractive, not really there to say anything but like be defiant, not a good thing, common to Orlando, presenting an image, not realizing people are special. Orlando has no culture and borrows from Florida. Also, did you see the sarcasm about not filming Pirates in Orlando? They filmed Sydney white at Rollins and another school, UCF I think..
- I have lots to talk about. Maybe that did it?? 8p -
So, please join the group. The messages showed up.
- <3 -
Christina![*:)] on the phone](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tSqAH80ojBg8F7a3Ib7g7tPeWoTEgSfbYy5f2gybtIyOWl-myRi2JED5Nvcdf_O7dEoQHIEHttqOw-R4fPuLMios5uisTZDel4ddxCA3G53S8VNa_UPHg-ogAQ=s0-d)
Hello, people of Ginny's 3 classes at Valencia, each a nice class, wish you guys would consider being in all of them, don't think anyone else is, but there is 1 girl who has taken classes from her for 3 semesters, in a row..
So, I made a group for us and created a poll and there will be a message up. Here is the poll: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/vccginny/surveys?id=2771310. Here is the message, for now, will be on the forum, later: http://cab1986orlfl20.blogspot.com/2013/03/y-group-post.html Yes, I am indeed interested in my best interests, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I have 2 of you on AIM, and I invited you on G! Talk and some of you are on Y!.. I made the group under Chat. Too bad we can't all get on a Chat group. You have to plan when you meet, and you're not always on..
So, I hope that we can communicate through e-mail. You are welcome to post on my blog, comment, or to post under my forum now.. :|
So, I'd prefer to talk on Y! Groups, but I guess for now I'll ask what you think of Ginny. I guess I should ask why you like her and if you chose the class because of her or if you took the class because of her. I took the class because of her but also probably am into performing more than you guys, but my life is real like any other person's, maybe not in a racially sensitive way... That shouldn't offend you, I don't mean I'm better than each of you individually.. I think we need to get in on the common interest of the mystery of Orlando and what Ginny knows. I've seen kids around, and a lot of them are nonchalant and don't deserve to ****. Ginny cares about them, but she also cares about me, as most people do, at least before Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came out, seriously. It's like, if you weren't perfect, there was a problem. I was kicked outta college. When I came here, what I worked on was that as an Orlando citizen it was all about people born here, later on about families with residence here longer ago I guess, and now it's about how people like Ginny, any successful person in the area basically..? in a way, would be considered off-limits to people here, too..though in other places it seems different. We have the internet, and we don't even know any reason why we exist, and we are here unraveling strange mysteries.. All I can say is I've moved a lot with a dad in business, and I'm from Florida, as any responsible, unsinful citizen. I don't mean other people are not worth it to me. I would have found out about Ginny. I'm not sure, though. Ginny is that kind of person. The only thing is, year, I'd be interested in others, but I mean, yea, Disney happens to be interesting.. The only other thing would be if I lived in L.A., I think, though, or about if there are cool teachers like her in NYC, which, they might be more urban and make me not feel in the moment..
That aside, rr..
1) What do you think of Ginny?..
2) Do you feel she really made Orlando seem acceptibly a mystery, like why are we here, the way we normally feel around people other than her? Who created said mysteries? I know I came here more into things like fitness, health but careful about my eating.. I was already someone into the locale of where I'm at. That was mainly what I did, that and go online. So, what do you think of how she is like thinking that life is all happy and Orlando is not a mystery, our misery? I mean, it's like we leave her class and we feel we're in an urban situation. We're not! I mean, I guess her class just isn't that, and that tells us no class "is.." I mean, what, go to another class?
- I just got upset about something, cooking hot dogs. See if I can think of anything else for Ginny.. She doesn't seem to think "anything" of me as far as working goes.. -
3) What do you think about her hopes for the future? She keeps claiming she cares about our generations, but in the end feels that she babies the comforts of those beings born later, and everyone just kills any hope in us because they are taking from the times, now, in retroguard to age of the father.. probably holding off a prejudice for those with mothers of Late Boom.. You have to work with what exists, I guess. I guess I would be happy to know I'd always be a baby to her, but life is indeed short and no one seems to care about preserving their youth enough. She still is that lady from the Baby Boom. I have no problems about my age because I like being younger than who I'm younger than.. Like being older than people, as well..
- I'm feeling psychiatrically disturbed by my dad thinking I did things wrong and not feeling it in him to fix my life nor have a healthy conversation with me, digging in too deep, not thinking about the world. -
- There are lots of questions, but I can't list them all.. will probably post more about her, later, if anyone talks to me|joins the group, hopefully..
4) Do you think Ginny should be involved in greater things and network more to other areas, invite people she knows to partake in what others in other areas partake? Why does she waste time on people in Orlando? Why not send out invites to meet her if she thinks she's so special, but she's not, in a sense.. Fact is, we don't even know why we exist, but we all strive to meet the goals of the hippie generation and "flower 'children.'" :| I do think we need to think about Orlando because we are here and because we do have a bond and some of us may share interests.. It is the 2nd most major place in Florida, condensed.. :| L.A. is the greatest. Florida might be next..
5) Have any issues to talk about with not being white or being Latin American, probably mixed with indian heritage? Don't you wish we got a cute Asian girl in our class or maybe a Eurasian girl from Europe? A lot of them look Asian, but I look least Asian. It's just I might have Native American, but I may never know unless we test my blood.. We never talked about race, and I'm 26. It's all about mixed people born in the 1980s. It seems the whole class is about being Spanish.. :/ Well, some of us are Native American..and not Spanish. :| ... I mean, I thought I understood the other races. I don't look like the stereotype of any given race.. :/ I am more interesting than Connie Francies and CĂ©line Dion ... and Justin Bieber. :/ ...
6) There aren't many black people ... wait, there are black girls in the classes.. very defiant, really.. You will find, though, that you are black. You are black because you are not European and because you didn't chose to submit to the white race like white people do.. You are like everyone else, not special because you're black. The truth is racist people have that molded, shallow look, that's who they did it young, and they weren't supposed to, really.
7) There aren't many nice people, they're all kinda dirty and like not that attractive, not really there to say anything but like be defiant, not a good thing, common to Orlando, presenting an image, not realizing people are special. Orlando has no culture and borrows from Florida. Also, did you see the sarcasm about not filming Pirates in Orlando? They filmed Sydney white at Rollins and another school, UCF I think..
- I have lots to talk about. Maybe that did it?? 8p -
So, please join the group. The messages showed up.
- <3 -
Y! Group Post
I guess it's broken for a few hours. The poll works.
Already, I know she "flips her ideas in French.." Like, she'll say, oh, yea, that's for a younger generation, though I'm older than you and taking that in..
She is so sweet and nice, but for some reason she can't click with me. I am not really complaining that she should. I am just saying how it is. I just keep being bombarded with the idea I don't deserve her. The fact is I feel I've networked enough to encounter any living being wholeheartedly..
I just really believe she would hold out for nicer people but feel guilty like about say hurting me. I just don't care, they should be online.
As for like Orlando, in general, I don't know many people who have been here for most of their life. There are a lot of mysteries here, but I don't know about them. I think this is the topic we are on.
Maybe, we should map out how she will make me mad. If I don't do homework, it's because I forgot something, like I skimmed over my notes. If I don't spend much time on it, it's because I didn't know. Why can't she get that? Is that something I have to learn? I mean, I'm not gonna waste my time on something, like reading a play in 1 day. I mean, a few sentences would do for a simple question. An essay is an essay. An essay is made of 5 paragraphs. These sentences don't really ask about anything to do with the performance.. See, acting is about performing and like sorta the juice in life you suck out. A test is a test, too, and it's something you read in class, as a class.. The semester is short. Storybooks really don't have that many important parts. I said before theater was hard in reading, just didn't understand it. We read as a class. The plays she gave us were kinda crappy. I didn't want to ruin myself, and I didn't want to use my time on it, already said I don't care if I don't get a B. It's just a bunch of crap, really. I never read new dramas like this. I haven't read many new books that weren't inciteful. I just haven't..flipped through some romances. They seem more like late 1990s. I don't watch TV and don't understand most movies. I watched them twice a week for a year, recently, at the movies. I wanted to watch them more, before, but the day dramas are gone since the mid-2000s.. I guess she can't teach us to read more facts that we remember, like you don't remember what I just said. What I said was something you live for, except I guess the class is like made to surround you for studying, too. You could make a conservatory where it's more about the art. :|

Already, I know she "flips her ideas in French.." Like, she'll say, oh, yea, that's for a younger generation, though I'm older than you and taking that in..
She is so sweet and nice, but for some reason she can't click with me. I am not really complaining that she should. I am just saying how it is. I just keep being bombarded with the idea I don't deserve her. The fact is I feel I've networked enough to encounter any living being wholeheartedly..
I just really believe she would hold out for nicer people but feel guilty like about say hurting me. I just don't care, they should be online.
As for like Orlando, in general, I don't know many people who have been here for most of their life. There are a lot of mysteries here, but I don't know about them. I think this is the topic we are on.
Maybe, we should map out how she will make me mad. If I don't do homework, it's because I forgot something, like I skimmed over my notes. If I don't spend much time on it, it's because I didn't know. Why can't she get that? Is that something I have to learn? I mean, I'm not gonna waste my time on something, like reading a play in 1 day. I mean, a few sentences would do for a simple question. An essay is an essay. An essay is made of 5 paragraphs. These sentences don't really ask about anything to do with the performance.. See, acting is about performing and like sorta the juice in life you suck out. A test is a test, too, and it's something you read in class, as a class.. The semester is short. Storybooks really don't have that many important parts. I said before theater was hard in reading, just didn't understand it. We read as a class. The plays she gave us were kinda crappy. I didn't want to ruin myself, and I didn't want to use my time on it, already said I don't care if I don't get a B. It's just a bunch of crap, really. I never read new dramas like this. I haven't read many new books that weren't inciteful. I just haven't..flipped through some romances. They seem more like late 1990s. I don't watch TV and don't understand most movies. I watched them twice a week for a year, recently, at the movies. I wanted to watch them more, before, but the day dramas are gone since the mid-2000s.. I guess she can't teach us to read more facts that we remember, like you don't remember what I just said. What I said was something you live for, except I guess the class is like made to surround you for studying, too. You could make a conservatory where it's more about the art. :|
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