Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bad Decisions

I was upset people are making bad decisions, like to implant bad things for stupid reasons, automatically.

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The black boy who was delinquent to me gave me a hug, tall, slender, fit. It was like being out in "G"eOrGia 8/

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After being a music major, I was sensitive to noise. My life was a community experiment, and Katrina hit. I was kicked out of singing and music education. I went up north, and I heard great things. In Orlando, I was sensitive to noise to insanity but not totally bizarre. Ginny is a voice master, and her X is from where I was up north, for @ 2 months. Music.

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Just Realized

The thing

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So, I have to read a script through e-mail I found from who I was working with.

I just had issues with the memorizing, like grasping that fact.

Everyone else was, like, perfect, some with longer parts. The girl I work with from NYC forgot and had to be reminded.

However, they were all like dead, socially, as usual. My voice today supposedly was softer sick.

I sat where the teacher was pressing against the seats. I don't know why she was so nice but informed that I do hand gestures.

The thing is ya I happen to know it all. She went over what to do if you mess up.

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Don't Care

Not as sick, now. Why should I care about Ellen DeGeneres being comfortable? I hardly got any sleep.

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So, what is Ellen's problem with me?  I mean, I'm not just with my family all the time.  I mean, if it's a big deal, it's a big deal.  I don't know what went wrong, seems like Tim Burton.